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Baby Talk Blog

In the journey of parenthood there are fun parts and messy parts, celebrations and challenges, dreamy snuggles and sleepless nights.

It’s true, your bundle of joy is going to take over your home, and your life. They are going to need lots of time, lots of love, and lots of patience.

Whether you’re awaiting your first-born and overwhelmed with choices, or you’re gearing yourself up for the next big milestone, it can be hard to sort through all the advice out there.

We’re thrilled to be here for you every step of the way, with helpful tips and resources you can revisit any time. Check out the topics below to get started!

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422 Articles
Clothing Your Growing Baby

Clothing Your Growing Baby

Posted in Infancy.

Baby clothes aren't meant to last forever – your little one will be not-so-little before you know it, so you might only get a few months out of each outfit. Prioritize comfort and practicality when clothing your newborn.

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Posted in Toddler.
It’s the question parents everywhere dread: “How are babies made?” It’s also a question that’s resulted in many myths and legends (we all know the one about the stork), and it’s one that has left many a parent tongue-tied. But this question will get asked, and however uncomfortable it makes you, it’s best to be honest in terms your toddler can understand. Try not to avoid questions about sex as this can lead to misunderstandings. Instead, parents should tackle curious minds head on, while keeping their answers age appropriate.
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Third Trimester Maternal Health

Third Trimester Maternal Health

Posted in Pregnancy.

Welcome to your third trimester! This is the stage of pregnancy from week 27 until birth. Here’s some advice about managing your health through these last few months.

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5 natural ways

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nz 13245

nz 13245

Posted in Infancy.

Most babies have all 20 baby teeth by the time they are two and a half to three years. As with all developmental milestones, your child might teethe slower or faster than the rule of thumb.

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Donec efficitur erat id vulputate commodo. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas vel ipsum rutrum, tincidunt mauris ut, pharetra ligula. Donec magna est, consequat id rhoncus at, mollis a sapien. Vestibulum a fringilla diam, at finibus turpis. Aliquam turpis purus, rutrum sed efficitur nec, auctor eget lectus.

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IVF: myth vs fact modified

IVF: myth vs fact modified

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IVF is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) that helps women and couples with barriers to conception try for a baby.
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What to expect.. Childbirth occurs in the second stage of labour, when your cervix has fully dilated and the baby is ready to exit through the vaginal canal.
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Returning to Work after having a Baby: Tips for a successful transition

Returning to Work after having a Baby: Tips for a successful transition

After becoming a parent, returning to work can be both exciting and a little nerve-racking. The workplace brings with it opportunities for social interaction, adult conversation, and career growth, which are some much-needed benefits for many new parents. However, from logistical measures to your emotional health, this transition can also bring about some worries and concerns. Here are our top tips to help you plan for a successful transition back to work.

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Week 10

Week 10

Posted in Pregnancy guide.
What to expect
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